• on July 20 2022

    Consultation through the LINE Call!

    Consultation through the LINE Call is now available starting on July 20, 2022.
    Please add the FCIF LINE Official Account to your LINE friends.

    How to Add friend

    There are two ways to add the FCIF LINE Official Account to your LINE friends.

    1. Press “友だち追加” button below


    2. Scan QR code

    *Read through the LINE Official Account Policy before using FCIF LINE Official Account.

    FCIF LINE Official Account Policy *Japanese

    How to use LINE Call

    Two ways to use the LINE Call.

    Make LINE Call on the Profile screen of FCIF LINE Official Account

    ①Press Call button on the profile screen

    ②Press the “通話を開始”  button



    Make the LINE Call on Chat screen *needs to “Add friend” first

    ①Press “電話で相談する FREE CALL” menu


    ②Press “通話を開始” button

    LINEコール リッチメニュー

    *Toll free 0120-66-1799 and 092-262-1799 (charged call) are available.

    Consultation Hours

    9:00~18:00 ※Closed on Saturday, Sunday, Holidays and Dec.29 ~ Jan.3.


    FCIF LINE Official Account