Welcome Event

Attaka Fukuoka organizes the annual international exchange event for international students who are new to Fukuoka and Fukuoka citizens.



Gathering Highlights

On 23 November, a sunny day for the walk rally, the 18th “Welcome to Fukuoka” event was held.

After viewing the “Fukuoka Asian Art Museum – Best Collection”, we enjoyed cookies and drinks while watching a welcome performance by Japan Masked Dance Team DAZAIF-MAHOROBASHU.

Then we went on a walking quiz rally in and around the Kushida Shrine and the Tochoji Temple, ending with a social event at the Fukuoka City International Center.

Participants commented on how much fun they had, and it was enjoyable to see everyone enjoying the event with their new friends.

Many volunteers also played an active role on the day.

Your cooperation and international mindset created a wonderful welcome event.

We look forward to seeing you all at future events.

Number of participants: 34 international students, 21 Japanese citizens, a total of 55 participants


Welcome Event (Back Number)