Multilingual Story Time

Various cultures are introduced through storytelling of picture books. We provide opportunities for interaction between the reader and the audience, creating a chance for participants to become interested in different cultures.

Reading Picture Books and Kamishibai from Asia

In the ‘Reading Picture Books and Kamishibai from Asia’ at Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, we conduct storytelling session in both Japanese and foreign languages.


Sunday, 14th July 2024 – China

Sunday, 10th November 2024 – Vietnam

Sunday, 8th December 2024 – India

Sunday, 9th February 2025 – Mongolia


11:30am to 12:00pm and 13:00pm to 13:30am


Kid’s Corner in Fukuoka Asian Art Museum

7th Floor, Riverain Center Building,
3-1 Shimokawabata-machi, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Japan




Around 10 groups/families for each session

How to apply

Apply from here (Applications will close 3 days prior to the event dates)


Previous events

Experience and Enjoy a Multilingual Story Time

In February 2023, we conducted readings of kamishibai and picture books from Vietnam, India, China, and Korea at Fukuoka Asian Art Museum. Students from each country greeted the audience in their respective languages, and we also held a quiz where participants guessed onomatopoeic words.

Since Japanese has many onomatopoeic words, there were presentations stating: ‘There are no words in my language to express that sound’, which surprised the participants.


The Vietnamese Kamishibai storytelling


The onomatopoeia quiz

Reading Picture Books and Kamishibai from Asia

In October and December 2022, as part of ‘Reading Picture Books and Kamishibai from Asia’ at Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, we read the Indian picture book ‘Tiger on a tree’ in Japanese and English, and the Korean picture book ‘The White Rabbit (Shiroi wa Usagi )’ in Japanese and Korean.

